DNA/RNA Amplification

DNA/RNA Amplification

Standard PCR

Products Category for Conventional (Standard) PCR with DNA

01. AddMulti Taq DNA Master (without or with UDG), 2x conc.

Product Code :

37101, 37101U, 37101SS, 37101USS

Description :

AddMulti Taq DNA Master (2x Conc.) is a pre-mixed product suitable for Multiplex PCR in which ingredients essential for PCR reactions, including AddStart Taq DNA Polymerase, Reaction Buffer (+Mg), dNTP mixture, gel loading dye (Xylene Cyanol FF), and enzyme stabilizers, are combined. This reagent is designed to enable the amplification of five or more target genes simultaneously in Multiplex PCR. AddMulti Taq DNA Master (2x Conc.) can obtain a range of targets from 100 bp to 3 kb under standard PCR conditions. AddMulti Taq DNA Master is supplied in the form of 1.0 mL per screw cap tube (Cat. No. 37101) and 10.0 μl per 8-strip tube (Cat. No. 37101SS). Furthermore, to prevent carryover contamination from amplification products, AddMulti Taq DNA Master with UDG includes Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) and is available in two forms of 1.0 mL per screw cap tube (Cat. No. 36101U) and 10.0 μl per 8-strip tube (Cat. No. 36101USS).

02. Performance Data
03. Order Information
Product Name Product Code Provided with
AddMulti Taq DNA Master without UDG(2x conc.) 37101 (tube type) 1.0 mL x 5 tubes
37101SS (8-strip type) 10.0 μl / tube x 96 tests
AddStart Taq DNA Master with UDG (2x conc.) 37101U (tube type) 1.0 mL x 5 tubes
37101USS (8-strip type) 10.0 μl / tube x 96 tests
* For bulk order and customized specifications, please inquire separately.